Category: tea

  • Camellia’s Tea House

    I am currently working part-time at Camellia’s Tea House, in Kingly Court, on Carnaby Street. It is the sort of place that immediately feels like a slice of heaven to a tea lover – you enter and there is one wall filled almost to the ceiling with caddies and big glass jars. There are about…

  • Gyokuro

    I finally got to try Gyokuro green tea at a beautiful little salon de thé called The Tea Caddy, in the Latin Quarter of Paris. It is never a cheap tea, but they had it for around half the price I’ve seen elsewhere. The leaves and the infusion are remarkably green, quite vividly so, and…

  • Tea Tasting

    On Tasting Flavour perception is a deceptively complex thing. Human taste buds are capable of sensing salty, sweet, sour and bitter (the four classical elements of human taste) plus umami (the savoury taste of glutamates such as MSG, found in things like mushrooms, soy sauce and meat) and probably fat (the jury is still out…

  • Oo…

    Welcome to Fergus Ray Murray‘s new blog. Why ‘Oolong‘? Well, what with this being Teh Internets and all, I thought I had better come up with some kind of a pseudonym. I took the name of my favourite tea because I liked the sound of it, I wrote a song about it once, and it…