I am Fergus Murray, a writer, autistic community organiser and science teacher, based in Edinburgh.
I co-founded Autistic Mutual Aid Society Edinburgh, and am currently its Chair; I also started Weird Pride Day (which is the 4th of March) and Monotropism.org.
I taught in Scottish schools from 2014-2024, but am currently focusing on private tutoring and writing. I have a BSc in Physics & Philosophy, and an MSc in Computer Games Engineering, and a PGCE in science teaching; I have taught Chemistry, Physics and Maths as exam subjects, and coding, electronics and other science for general education and enjoyment.
I am available as an online tutor for learners aged 11 and up; I am familiar with the Scottish and English/Welsh exam systems, and happy to teach Chemistry up to Higher/AS Level and Physics up to Advanced Higher/A Level. I mainly work with neurodivergent young people. Please email fergustutor@gmail.com with enquiries.
As well as tutoring, I am available for workshops, collaborations and speaking engagements. Please email fergusmurray@gmail.com
I believe that self-direction, play and absorption should be central to education wherever possible, and that education can never be truly inclusive otherwise. I have presented about my thoughts on education and neurodiversity in various places. You can watch recordings or read the text here:
- Autism and Mainstreaming in Scottish schools (text) – for the Autism Cross-Party Group at the Scottish Parliament, 2024
- Monotropism and Wellbeing (text) – for the Scottish Autism Research Group conference, 2023
- Neurodiversity at School: LEANS – for the Neurodiversity Forum (신경다양성 포럼), 2023
- Craft, Flow and Cognitive Styles (text) – for the Waldorf Handwork Educators Teacher Conference, 2021
- Making education work for the next generation of neurodivergent pupils (text) – for Autscape, 2020
I have written widely on autism, neurodiversity, education, science and politics, including for The Psychologist, Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism, NeuroClastic, MCA Research Journal, openDemocracy and Bylines Scotland. I am author or co-author on these peer-reviewed papers:
- Towards autistic flow theory: A non-pathologising conceptual approach
- Inclusive Practices for Neurodevelopmental Research
- Learning About Neurodiversity at School: Key concepts for communicating neurodiversity to primary school children, from the LEANS project participatory design process (see also the LEANS Project)
- Short report: Evaluation of wider community support for a neurodiversity teaching programme designed using participatory methods
Another paper, on the Monotropism Questionnaire (MQ), is currently going through peer review. I should have chapters in at least four or five books by the end of 2025, but so far I just have a chapter in The Neurodiversity Reader and a page in Autism: A New Introduction to Psychological Theory and Current Debate. At some point I hope to pull together a book of my own.
Aside from all that, when I get the chance, I also make generative art, giant puppets, little creatures out of polymer clay, audio and video recordings, photographs, and very nice cups of tea (hence the URL). I have recently taken up pottery, after doing a lot of clay modelling when I was younger.